
Currently, I'm a postdoc researching randomized algorithms in numerical linear algebra with Dr. Per-Gunnar Martinsson's group at the Oden Institute.

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I've taught undergrad math for 10 years as an instructor and Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA). This semester, I am teaching the UT course M305G through TPEI.

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I'm committed to broadening STEM participation and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on college campuses.

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AMS Notices Paper

An article for Notices of the American Mathematical Society about my work in math education within the U.S. prison system.

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Slides from ICIAM

A talk on randomized algorithms for interpolative matrix decompositions, including new work on error estimation.

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CSS Paper

A comparison of column subset selection (CSS) algorithms for parameter sensitivity identifiability analysis.

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Slides from paraDIGMS

A talk about implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives during my time at NC State

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