About Me

I like non-math stuff, too, like dogs, plants, welding, and drums.


I have two dogs, with whom I have fulfilling and mildly rage-inducing familial relationships. You'll probably see and/or hear them in Zoom meetings, along with my human family.

Mobius, or Moby as he's called by his friends, is a self-assured Great Pyrenees with a heart of gold and a resting expression of bottomless disappointment. Likely to boof at things outside.

Little Bit--or Lil Bit; it's still debated and the official spelling has never been established--is my smallest and most spoiled foster failure, but what she lacks in stature she makes up for in rare but indignant howling. Likely to sleep in a cute but unnatural position.


My house has been overtaken by an excessive number of plants. If you want some cuttings, let me know!


For a little over a year now, I have been very into metal working. (MIG) Welding is an extremely meditative practice, and my style has transitioned into very fluid, organic structures because of the challenge of realizing them in steel. I also love to draw and paint, and I like to look at what other people have drawn and painted.


Playing drums is the best stress reliever I've found, plus it's really fun. My major influences are Earl Hudson from Bad Brains and Brad Wilk from RATM.